Senior Feature - Rebekah, Class of 2020
On Friday October 25th, I had the pleasure of working with Rebekah! We got some seriously awesome photos, but we also got some goofy ones (and some of my personal favorites that I have taken).
We started out on the Pine Island track, showcasing her Cross Country uniform, Letterman Jacket and overall school spirit. If you guys have read my blogs previously, you know how much of a runner I am NOT. So I truly respect those who enjoy running or are good at it, because I am neither!
After the track, we made it to a little park near downtown Pine Island. We played around with lighting and fuzzy grass that I don’t know the name of. If anyone knows what the grass is called, please, I would love to know!
After the park, we walked around downtown. It was at this time that Rebekah got mauled by her beloved friends and we were able to get pictures of them all together!
Rebekah plans on studying Elementary Education at Valley City State University after graduation with both academic and athletic scholarships. Rebekah has been a track star since 7th Grade, even competing in a Varsity Meet at the time.
She says that she really started pushing herself Junior Year to achieve her scholarships that she has been awarded, and she will continue to finish her final year of high school strong.
I asked Rebekah how she thinks her friends and family would describe her, and she said, “Kind, energetic, helpful, smart, beautiful, and strong willed.” And for the time that I have known her, I would say the same things! It’s also important to have a positive perspective of yourself. Nobody is perfect, but there is at least one great quality in everyone.
Rachel, Rebekah’s big sister, is someone she really looks up to. Rachel is a business owner at the young age of 29! Rebekah also admires how Rachel has been able to conquer and achieve all the challenges with which she has faced.
Hunting and fishing are among Rebekah’s favorite activities outside of school, but she also finds enjoyment in writing poems and stories.
Lastly, Rebekah would like to acknowledge one of her closest friends, Annika, who inspired her to pursue Track. I can’t tell you how many times I had a friend or family member encourage me to pursue an activity myself, be it hockey, theater, track, or soccer. Whether or not you carry on those activities long term, you can always learn new things about yourself, and sometimes you can find something you’re truly passionate about.
Rebekah, keep pushing yourself and never stop! You have a lot of potential, and it seems like you have some great support in your life. I wish you the very best on all of your goals!
Δ Abbi