What is your New Year's resolution?
I’ve made big strides this year. There are many things I achieved that I didn’t think I would, and there were other things on which I fell short. That doesn’t mean I still didn’t improve on those things, it just means that I didn’t get as far as I wanted.
I am so excited for 2019! I have so many ideas and plans for the new year! My new online shop will be debuting in January. I can’t wait to make this big business step. There is so much I can’t wait to learn from this experience.
I also can’t wait to continue my personal improvement. I think we all try to improve ourselves each year but after a while, we get side tracked or we forget our goals. Sometimes we set goals but put them off because we don’t feel like we’re ready. The truth is, we’re never really going to be comfortable making big changes. You just have to do it and learn as you go.
That may seem scary, but if you have the right attitude, it’s not! I encourage you all to make big goals this year and stick to them. Your goals might seem farfetched or impossible, but if you take action, you can do so much more than you think you can.
If you start now, you will be so much farther ahead of yourself than if you were to put it off and start later. You will be glad you did!
Lastly, don’t give up on yourself. You may not have control of everything, but you have control of yourself. If there is something you want, work hard to get it. If you have a dream, settle for nothing less. And encourage others to do the same.
If we’re all a little nicer, a little kinder, a little more supportive of each other, this place will be a lot easier to live in.
Okay, I’m done with the cheesy speech. I hope you all enjoy celebrating the new year!
What goals will you be setting for yourself in 2019? I can’t wait to hear them!
Δ Abbi